
Are you looking to attend the upcoming Let’s Connect Conference in Vancouver, WA? The conference will be held on October 5th and 6th, 2023 and offers a unique opportunity for networking and knowledge exchange.

The Let’s Connect Conference is designed to bring together professionals from multiple industries and geographical areas to discuss current trends, learn about best practices, and foster meaningful connections. Attendees can expect a robust agenda of talks from renowned speakers as well as a variety of activities such as panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities. The overall goal of this event is to provide participants with an engaging experience that helps them develop their professional skills.


frequently asked questions

When and where is the Event taking place?

October 5th and 6th at the Vancouver Hilton in Downtown VanWA.

Who is the event for?

The conference is for everyone who wants to support good people and good businesses. In addition, this is a special invite for BIPoC, Women, and Veteran businesses to grow and be encouraged throughout the Pacific Northwest.

What is the Conference Theme?

Connecting People, Not Dots

When was the Conference Established?

In 2021 by the NDUB Brand

Who's is running the conference?

Nathan Webster is the fonder. He hosts the conference under his marketing company, NDUB Brand.